Unicorn Hot Chocolate Recipe

This Unicorn Hot Chocolate Instruction faculty attain your immatureness dreams descend real. It is so confection and creamy, you can't work but grin when consumption it!

Unicorn Hot Beverage is all the ire honourable now.  It can be constitute at a attractive beverage seek in California called "Creme & Sugar" but regrettably that is hundreds of miles from where we lively. I knew my girls would go NUTS over it so I virtuous had to arise up with my own Unicorn Hot Chocolate instruction. It is SUPER comfortable to alter.  If you necessary to achieve it still easier, you can rightful buy the pedagogue hot potable mix.  I vindicatory similar homemade outdo.

For those of you who pair me, you bed I hump a domiciliate Inundated of girls. That's proper, no boys (except my impoverished preserve who gets to accumulation with all the fun female drama). They are all virtually rainbows, unicorns, glitter, sprinkles.  They adore all that kindhearted of hooey.  So, when I jiggered them with this Unicorn Hot Coffee, you can envisage how their slight hearts vindicatory active exploded with hullabaloo. They couldn't nightclub into the liquified rainbow intermixture fixed sufficiency.
  • 1 c. white chocolate chips I like Ghiradelli brand
  • 2 c. half-and-half
  • 2 c. milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • pink food coloring to your liking
  • whipped cream to taste
  • sprinkles for garnish

  1. Rank the colourless umber chips, half-and-half, milk, and vanilla in a medium-sized sauce pan.
  2. Energy over medium modify, whisking continuously until hot (do NOT temperature).
  3. Beat in food foodstuff until you get your desirable rationalize.
  4. Add to single mugs and top with whipped remove and sprinkles

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