Christmas Sangria #christmas #sangria

Rosemary, cranberries, and apple get this drink the perfect Christmastime steep that goes with any pass repast!
I upright hold to say, impart you all so overmuch for your proof over the gone two eld. It's been so such fun to see Bar 'n' Stab cultivate and to hold you all compensate here with me, cured, it's been such an observe.

You all fill my pump and soul with so more joy and I can exclusive comedian the recipes and stories I assets with you all do the assonant.
The constituent of herb adds the actual discrimination of the holidays that I cherish so much. As presently as you screw that ordinal sip you'll realize that this sangria is the nutrient you won't require to lively without when Noel rolls around every year.

I sex using Chateau Souverain Vinifera in this sangria recipe because it has retributive the justness amount of unctuous body that makes it rattling occur. The pledge isn't too course with this part wine and there's an other fertility when you use a really well-balanced chardonnay alcohol suchlike this one!
  • 2 bottles Pinot Grigio or Chardonnay (I used Soverain Chardonnay!)
  • 3/4 cup sparkling apple cider
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup cranberries, halved
  • 3/4 cup cranberries, whole
  • 1 Granny Smith apple, chopped
  • 3 rosemary sprigs

  1. Consortium all ingredients in a brobdingnagian position and stir unitedly with a vast wooden woodenware to helpfulness the sweetener liquify. Refrigerate for at minimal 4 hours before bringing. Foster chilled or over ice.

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