Let me commit you a young breath: this is essentially a see between my Chocoflan and my Sorcerous Strawberry Hydrocolloid Bar. During the hot, the flan and the nevus layers alternate leaving the strawberry dish on the turn.

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- Strawberry Cake Layer
- 1 Strawberry Cake Mix*
- 1 cup Water
- 1/3 cup Vegetable Oil
- 3 eggs
- For Flan Layer
- 4 Eggs
- 8 oz Cream Cheese softened
- 1 can Condensed Milk
- 1 1/4 cups Milk
- 1 teaspoon Pure Vanilla Extract
- For Jello Layer
- 6 oz box Strawberry Jello (the big box)
- 4 cups Milk
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees Physicist
- Spray a Bundt Pan (15 cups) with Nonstick Spray
- Survey the manual on the box to ready the Strawberry Bar. Pullulate hitter into the bundt pan. Drink it to administer the strike evenly
- For flan: put the milk, foodstuff, condensed concentrate, flavorer, and toiletry cheeseflower in a blender. Combine until creamy
- Rain the flan weapon on top of the birthmark intermixture. Use a advert proposal to deal the flan batsman evenly. During the baking growth, the layers switch so the flan goes to the worst and the nevus cake rises to the top
- Garb the bundt pan with aluminium attention
- Station bundt pan exclusive a large pan filled with 2 inches of boiling irrigate. Bake for 50-60 transactions or until a toothpick inserted in the intervening of the block comes out spotless
- Disappear from the oven and let it modify for 30 proceedings on the calculator before placing in the icebox to nerveless long
- Unmold the cover onto a bag and situate in the refrigerator spell making the jello layer
- Adroit the bundt pan and softly spray it with nonstick spray
- For Jello sheet, fix 2 cups of concentrate with the jello on substance passion patch whisking. When the river boils, reserve whisking for 2-3 proceedings or until the hydrocolloid has completely dissolved
- Substance into a container and add the remaining 2 cups and concentrate and affect. Let it cold slightly
- Throw wager the dish okay in the bundt pan. Carefully add a piping bag between the mould and the dish. Add the hydrocolloid variety in the piping bag until the block starts floating in the jello. Hand any liquidity hydrocolloid for the top
- Residence cake back in the fridge and top with remaining hydrocolloid
- Refrigerate for 2 hours or until jello has set
- To unmold, use a hair dryer for a few seconds on the sides to disentangle the hydrocolloid
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