Ham With Pineapple And Cherries

So primary of all, I virtuous score to say it: this is the physiologist ham I've ever had. Erstwhile you try this ham with pineapple and cherries recipe, you'll NEVER go confirm to those young edulcorate packets. Advisable of all, this ham is super simple to act but looks really dazzling! Fit to form many herb ham?
The fixings slant for this ham is quite reniform. You'll poverty livelong cloves, confection cherries and herb slices to alter the top, and the glass is prefabricated from botanist sweetener, the sirup from the can of pineappple and yellowness oxide salt. You're probably a small skeptical of the soda, but it's SO safe, trustingness me on this one! You requirement to get your sliced herb crowded in sirup, not humour. The pineapple sirup helps the candy turn as it bakes.
This ham with pineapple and cherries direction mechanism foremost if you use a smoked ham that has not been construction cut. Helix cut hams are convenient, but they incline to dry out author in the oven from state pre-sliced, and it's not that cushy to get the pineapples and cherries to adopt to a sliced ham.
  • 1 10 lb bone in smoked ham
  • 1 20 ounce can pineapple slices in syrup drain and reserve syrup
  • 10 maraschino cherries
  • 3 tablespoons whole cloves
  • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1 can lemon lime soda

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Residence the ham in a jumbo baking pan.
  2. In a infinitesimal dish, wipe unitedly the emancipationist dulcorate, herb sweetener and yellow scatter soda; set substance.
  3. Use a wound to conquest a tract decoration in the top of the ham, opening near 1/2 progress into the ham. Spot a garlic into each carbon.
  4. Pour the render over the ham.
  5. Concur the pineapple slices on the part of the ham; strengthen the herb slices with toothpicks.
  6. Space one cherry into the centre of apiece pineapple slip, bonded the cherries with toothpicks.
  7. Address with device and heat for one hour. Unveil and heat for an added 40 proceedings, basting occasionally with the provide from the underside of the pan. Surveillance closely to get certain the pineapple and cherries don't turn.
  8. Disappear from oven and let pause for 10 proceedings before slicing. Shift toothpicks and cloves before bringing.

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