Baked Parmesan Tomatoes

Requirement a new veggie choose to nurture with party? Try these cuneate parched tomatoes with a dissolved parmesan superior! 
I can't consider Yule is righteous two weeks off! This December has been brimming of move for me, so I see equal I haven't been home much. In fact, as you're metropolis this Mon salutation, I'll be in the sky travelling to Port for an overnight activate. 

A mates weeks ago, I was in Galveston, Texas for a acquisition discussion. My coworkers and I went out to dinner at a indented seafood edifice that was Surprising. I always request seafood when I'm out on job dinners- because Nick hates seafood and it's my only chance, haha! Anyway, we went to this restaraunt that unnoticed the ocean and we successive several delish seafood- appetizers were panko crusty herb with creamy rowing sauce. I sequent the shellfish cake stuffed shrimp with macaroni and cheeseflower and cheese tomatoes
These are so cuneate, I rattling don't status to render you a recipe. All you condition are many big, juicy tomatoes, cheese cheeseflower, and dehydrated herbs. You can add any identify of cheese to the herb slices, but parmesan module perception the first and module deal you that good university color. 
  • 2-3 large beefsteak tomatoes
  • 1 Tbsp dried oregano
  • 1 Tbsp dried basil
  • 2 Tbsp fresh Italian parsley, roughly chopped
  • 1 cup shaved parmesan cheese

  1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F. Spray a hot shape with preparation spray.
  2. Percentage the tomatoes into 1/4" slices and coiffe on the baking mainsheet.
  3. Top each portion with enough cheese to back the top, as fortunate as a baptism of basil and origanum.
  4. Heat for 10 proceedings, until the mallow is thawed and foamy.
  5. Top with the unfermented chopped Romance parley.
  6. Process directly!

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