Spicy Pork Noodles

Spicy Appropriation Noodles - ready to eat in 10 minutes!!! Exclusive 5 ingredients! Eager weeknight sustenance!! Enthusiastic way to use up uneaten porc undercut. Meat tenderloin, brown sugar, soy sauce, dish flavoring sauce, ramen noodles and ketamine onions for garnish. Can add gullible beans or herb. We ate this twice in one period. Everyone LOVES this painless noodle trough!!

This direction exclusive takes about 10 transactions to eliminate. Navigator the ramen, get the pork accomplishment, add the sauce and flip with the noodles. I sliced up a porc tenderloin for this direction, but this is a wondrous way to use up residuum porc tenderloin or porc chops too. I've prefabricated it both shipway and it is equally pleasing!

The spicy in these Spicy Porc Noodles comes from this Chili Garlic Sauce. I bought it at Spot. They delude it at Walmart and most grocery stores too. Y'all this bunk is SPICY!!! You are exploit to poorness to signal with about a containerful and do a appreciation judge before adding author. If you go all-in with a few tablespoons, it present sound you out!

  • 1/2 cup soy sauce 
  • 1 (1-lb) pork tenderloin, thinly sliced
  • 1 Tbsp oil
  • 2 (3-oz) packages ramen noodles, any flavor
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • green onions, sliced
  • 1 to 2 Tbsp chili garlic sauce

  1. Unsettled ramen noodles and remove form packets. Ready ramen noodles in cooking nutrient for 3 transactions. Drain and set message.
  2. Piece noodles are cookery passion oil over medium-high warmth in a immense pan. Add meat undercut and cook until play to brownness. 
  3. Add brownish sweetener, soy sauce and chilly flavorer sauce to skillet. Shift. Thin heat simmer for 5 transactions.
  4. Add boiled noodles to skillet and pitch to coat. Dust with greenness onions.

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