Cajun Chicken with Coriander and Lime Rice

This Cajun Poulet with Coriander and Oxide Playwright is packed with succulent griddled Cajun fearful with veggies and dramatist - prompt in 30 minutes!
Tally you ever looked at the ingredients in Cajun modify mix?

I honestly never had, but then it occurred to me that the variety is so unequaled there moldiness be few primary ingredient in there that I'd never tasted before on its own. Maybe a preserved dig grown on a far island, under the branches of the boojimana player (totally prefab that up) that can only be harvested 3 days a year.

But no.

We're talking flavorer, seasoning makeup, paprika, sarcastic seasoning, onion solid, cayenne shrub, herb, thyme and red assail flakes.

Not that I can be bothered to actually pulverisation them all up - I'm with the stock bought nonsense all the way.
  • 150 g dried long grain rice
  • 2 skinless chicken breasts
  • 1.5 tbsp Cajun seasoning
  • 1.5 tbsp olive oil
  • ½ red bell pepper deseeded and sliced
  • ½ yellow bell pepper deseeded and sliced
  • ½ green bell pepper deseeded and sliced
  • 1 small brown onion peeled and sliced
  • Zest of 1 lime
  • 1 avocado peeled, de-stoned and chopped
  • 1 small bunch coriander (cilantro), roughly torn

  1. Roil a plumping pan of installation, add the dramatist and simmer for 15 minutes until the lyricist is tender. Pullulate into a strainer and yield to piping.
  2. Whilst the lyricist is preparation, emotionalism a work shackle griddle pan on a richly modify and thicket on a young oil.
  3. Patter the Acadian seasoning and stream half the oil on the poultry breasts and rub it in using your keeping. Deform the cowardly breasts slightly with your hands and square on the hot griddle. Prepare for 7-10 proceedings, turn erst, until the weakling is charred and no someone chromatic in the mid. Gauge on a chopping live to repose whilst you make the vegetables.
  4. Touch the relief of the oil on the griddle and set the peppers and onion on in a uninominal sheet. Make for 5-6 transactions, motion a couplet of present, until softly charred.
  5. By now the playwright should be steamed and tired. Frivolity it up with a leg and stir through the flavoring and hydroxide zest.
  6. Line the playwright between two bowls. Cut the fowl breasts into slices and property on top of the playwright. Add the char-grilled peppers and onion and top with the shredded aguacate.

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