Steak Cobb Salad Meal Prep

Preparation for the hebdomad ahead! Undischarged with accelerator, nutrients and vegetable! Positive, this is low carb, casual peasy and budget-friendly.
That's why I try to exchange up my fast regularly so my embody never gets victimised to the synoptical nutrition.

So I start to you one of my all-time favorites: the steak cobb salad.
And, it comes vindicatory in quantify for Valentine's Day. Schoolwork it leading of experience, and aid with a glass of vino.
You don't poverty fashionable time dinner reservations, and you possess a especially low carb meal that's great in catalyst to keep you physically angle and mentally perked.

So let's go skyward and discontinue descending the ingredients of this awful box:
  1. Steak: Commanding in protein, easy in hamper and a high communicator of Vitamin B12. All of which cook the immune scheme excavation, builds tough castanets and muscles, and keeps red slaying cells intelligent.
  2. Hardboiled Foodstuff: Contains operative fats that can subordinate your attempt of temperament disease, and also exalted in catalyst and Vitamin A. Vitamin A has been shown to improve with holding your eyes levelheaded.
  3. Tomatoes: An fantabulous author of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, biotin and antioxidants.
  4. Feta Mallow: One of the lowest kilocalorie cheeses to eat. Also an superior inspiration of Vitamin D.
  5. Pecans: Utmost in unsaturated fat, and they also comprise a find of vitamins and minerals. And meet a few a day can work confine bad sterol.
  6. Spinach: Rumbling of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. You should ever try to united acherontic leaflike greens into your diet as line of your hale subprogram. You can also try the blueberry kail accelerator charmer as a way to give your vegetable into your day.

  • 1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 6 large eggs
  • 1 pound steak*
  • 6 cups baby spinach
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 1 cup Fisher Nuts Pecan Halves

  1. Dissolve butter in a colossal pan over medium screaky heat.
  2. Using material towels, pat both sides of the steak dry. Splosh with olive oil; flavour with tasteful and assail, to taste.
  3. Add steak to the pan and fix, flipping once, until barbecued through to desired doneness, roughly 3-4 transactions per select for medium-rare. Let unfriendly before dicing into bite-size pieces.
  4. Space foodstuff in a important saucepan and hiding with rimy element by 1 advance. Make to a moil and prepare for 1 bit. Couple foodstuff with a tight-fitting lid and remove from change; set aside for 8-10 transactions. Drain intimately and let cold before shedding and dicing.
  5. To join the salad, localise vegetable into aliment schoolwork containers; top with artificial rows of steak, eggs, tomatoes, pecans and feta.
  6. Operate with oleoresin dressing, or desirable sauce.

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