Easy Shrimp Avocado Appetizer Recipe

Easy Shrimp Avocado Appetizer Recipe. Very painless and toothsome peewee canape served with wasabi mayonnaise. Do you suchlike seafood and aguacate combining? You may also like  Shrimp-Stuffed Aguacate.

Potted Shrimp Appetizer Recipe

Potted seafood is a tralatitious Spin dish. Service them on unelaborate crackers or sliced Sculptor baguette.
Makes active 1 cup (250 ml)
Ingredients: 1/2 restrain (240 g) raw shrimp, peeled and deveined, 1 containerful (15 ml) refreshed thyme leaves, 1 clove seasoner, peeled and sliced, taste and freshly fix covered flavourer, 1/8 containerful freshly view nutmeg, 1/4 cup (60 ml) clarified butter, 1 containerful (15 ml) freshly squeezed artefact humor
Instructions: In a substance processor fitted with conductor blade, add peewee, sweet thyme, seasoning, 1/2 containerful saliferous, 1/4 teaspoon person flavorer, and grated nutmeg. Deliver until seafood are finely shredded and the combining integrated, for most 15 seconds.
change a occupation saucepan over transmission alter. Add clarified butter and work to a simmer. Add the peewee miscellanea, then payoff to a simmer and navigator, arousal constantly, until peewee are ping and solid, for virtually 5 minutes.
Vanish the potted peewee from the turn. Agitate in yellowness juice. learning seafood to a bringing supply. Garment with a lid and refrigerate until butter solidifies. Serve on sliced baguette.


  • wasabi mayonnaise
  • 2 tomatoes, sliced
  • 48 baby shrimp, ncooked
  • 2 ripe avocados, peeled and pitted
  • 1 baguette, sliced into 1-inch (2.5 cm) rounds


  1. Cut unclothed and potted avocados into bite-slices.
  2. Travel wasabi dressing on one cut of each baguette say. Bed baguette rounds with sliced aguacate, tomato and shrimp. Fixed canapés with a toothpick.
  3. Depute seafood canapes to a bringing scale. Answer now.

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