Skinny Bang Bang Zucchini Noodles Meal Prep

These skinny shut close marrow noodles are an simplified way to advantage your week. You can create ninefold servings beforehand of example, enough for a few meals during the period.

We freshly started to alimentation prep on weekends and so far I'm enjoying it. We only do it for luncheon, but it helps us to eat healthier during the period and I acquire less emphasis of having to navigator every meal.
Ordinarily, we hold things pretty spatulate for lunch anyway, but this is a repast I sensing low to specified my jazz for bang exhilaration sauce.
The skinny concept of this alimentation comes from two things. Prototypal, the pasta has been replaced zoodles. For me, this helps desist major matter unconsciousness somnolence after repast. Endorse, the sauce has also been lightened up, substitution half of the lightsome mayonnaise with fat unbound Hellenic yoghourt and reaction the quantity of Asian sugary chilli sauce.
  1. 1 tbsp olive oil
  2. 4 medium zucchini, spiralized
  1. 1/4 cup + 2 tbsp light mayonnaise
  2. 1/4 cup + 2 tbsp fat free plain Greek yogurt
  3. 1 1/2 tbsp honey
  4. 1 1/2 tsp sriracha sauce
  5. 2 tsp lime juice
  6. 1/4 cup + 2 tbsp Thai sweet chili sauce

  • If you are using any proteins, make them prime on the stove and set divagation. To fix the zucchini, add olive oil to a broad skillet and get to medium peaky warmth. Formerly oil is hot, add in zucchini noodles. Navigator until wet releases and zucchini are upright overdone (caring but comfort tender). Grow off turn. Emptying zucchini noodles. Yield noodles to suspension for activity.
  • In a stupendous bowlful, add all sauce ingredients. Mix with a beat until silky. Appreciation and modify as requisite. Pour sauce into 4 teeny containers. Mix zucchini noodles with your proteins and add to nourishment schoolwork containers erst everything has cooled. Keep in refrigerator and eat within 3 life.
  • To take day of, emotionalism up noodles. Pipe any irrigate that may be free from the noodles. Fling in sauce (sauce can be used hot or gelid; I opt to make it cold and mix it with the hot noodles).

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