Tropical Wine Slushie

This Equatorial Alcohol Slushie direction is intelligent and effortless to whip up, comfortable to change with your challenger glaciated fruit or wine, and always SO new and delish!

Ha, amidst all of the flurry and accent on the observance this month, the two of us maintain forgetting that there's also an awful global spend waiting for us at the end of it all.  (Which essentially feels same the most wonderful, spendthrift icing on the block ever.)  But oh man, we are SO stoked to progress medico to our emotional casita on the beach, bound side, soakage up lots of sunshine, eat chips and salsa, booze margaritas, and pass the period retelling stories upon stories upon stories from this amazing period.  Can't. Inactivity.
The options for customizing this one are basically measureless - vindicatory about any benign of alcohol, or any unmoving product instrument do.  But I precious the hot ricochet along with several dry sauvignon blanc, served up (of education) with a overnice helping of refreshed pineapple.  The perfect cocktail for a beach-y honeymoon…or anytime you're craving whatsoever sun with blissful time.
  • 1 cup frozen mango
  • 1 cup frozen pineapple
  • 1 bottle white wine (any kind will do)
  • 1 cup frozen peaches
  • 1/4 cup Cointreau

  1. Add all ingredients to a high-powered liquidizer and pulse until velvet.  If the accumulation is too clotted, add in superfluous element (or Cointreau).  If it is too scraggy, add in a containerful of ice.
  2. Help forthwith, garnished with a patch of strong fruit if desired.

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