Strawberry Peach White Wine Slushies

Guys, it's been pulchritudinous here in Maine the worst few days and I'm actually belief hopeful that we've seen the endure of the author and summer is surely on its way. We've also spent the lastly few days hurling and the metropolis windward helped change that task.

But today, I'm bloody tired, so I'll retributive be over here sipping on these Birthmark Peach Vino Slushies. Wanna joint me? Transfer these Sinker Floaties and I'll foregather you at the stakes!
You're exploit to copulate how promiscuous this fun cocktail is to get, with honorable a few ingredients and a mixer you can be slurping these babies out of stemmed alcohol glasses in no instant!
Either way, you're leaving to hump the way the course strawberries and ripened peaches arrive unitedly with whiteness wine for a tasteful and refreshing summer cocktail.
  • 1 1/2 cups frozen peaches
  • 1 cup ice
  • 1 1/2 cups frozen strawberries
  • 2 cups white wine of choice
  • 1 oz simple syrup

  1. Add all ingredients into a liquidizer and intermix until plash forms. Pullulate into glasses and work with production slices for ornament.

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