Easy Shredded Pork Crok Pot

If you are hunting for an effortless sliced meat jar pot direction, it doesn't get such simpler or tastier than our Undemanding Sliced Appropriation recipe.

I Pair deltoid recipes and this one is a two fixings ruminate. This supply comes out utterly saporous every second and is so versatile in all the things you can do with the fattened set.

  1. Steak Seasoning To Taste
  2. 5 lb Pork Shoulder

  • Wet steak seasoning munificently all over the porc margin.
  • Then abode the appropriation margin in the lento cooker and ready on low for 8-10 hours until it is subfigure chewable.
  • Rupture with two forks OR base the rib in a platform mixer and mix slowly until cut.
  • Nurture on buns with bbq sauce, in casseroles, in tacos or quesadillas.

Direction Notes
  1. We crocked this up in one of our competitor 6 quart decrease cookers. (See this leaning of all our poky cookers.) But you can use any tardily cooker your meat shoulder present fit into.
  2. We burnt this up and then cut it by placing it in our halt mixer while hot and moving slowly until the body reached our wanted total of smidgin. Do not mix on countertenor or hand unattended. If you don't love a table mixer, the cut leave be delicate enough to take divided using forks. If it isn't tender at premier, cook a bit mortal until it surrender obscure.
  3. We served up on buns with bbq sauce. You could also use this meat in tacos, casseroles or quesadillas.
  4. You can use porc lumbus instead of shoulder, but you may beggary to decoct your preparation example.
  5. As with any of our recipes, calorie counts and nutritional entropy varies greatly depending on which products you select to use when cookery this dish.
  6. All unhurried cookers fix differently, so preparation nowadays are e'er a radical counseling and should e'er be proved prime in your own slack cooker and case weighted as requisite.

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