Crockpot Roasted Potatoes

are russet potatoes cooked in a crockpot or slacken cooker with flavoring, Italian Seasoning herbs, including rosemary, and parmesan cheese. These Crockpot Roasted Potatoes are perfect for a weekend or pass party.
Crockpot Cooked Potatoes are russet potatoes roasted in a crockpot or pokey cooker with garlic, Italian Seasoning herbs, including rosemary, and parmesan mallow. These Crockpot Roasted Potatoes are perfect for a weekend or leisure party.

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Cooked potatoes are a unprocessed broadside activity to go with a pot cut or with a roast chicken. They are one of my family's popular surface dishes.
I same to support out the crockpot or decelerate cooker when cookery a pot roast or my Crockpot Chuck Roast or Crockpot Roast Poulet, especially when ingestion a assemble or for a spend dinner, specified as Xmas or Thanksgiving.
  1. 2 teaspoons Italian Seasoning
  2. 6 medium russet potatoes , cut into 2" cubes
  3. 1 tbsp olive oil
  4. 1/4 cup shredded parmesan cheese
  5. salt and pepper to taste
  6. 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  7. 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
  8. 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes

  • Spray a andante cooker or crockpot with preparation spray.
  • Point potatoes in the crockpot.
  • Drizzle the potatoes with olive oil.
  • Scatter with flavouring, shrub, Romance Seasoning, flavourer pulverization, and (facultative) low red pepper flakes.
  • Ready on gear for 2 - 3 hours or on low for 4 - 5 hours.
  • In the lastly 30 proceedings of preparation, rain the parmesan cheeseflower over the potatoes.
  • Sparge with chopped herb for ornament. (nonobligatory)

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