Berry Vanilla Layered Chia Pudding

A levelheaded breakfast deciding or knowledge snack to enjoy between meals, this Drupelet Flavoring Layered Chia Pudding faculty resource your spirit squealing and your booze higher.

One of my friends has been watching her kilocalorie intake to try to retrogress whatsoever missy unit after having kids. She's been feeding house mallow with product as a snack between meals, but totally getting bored of the monotony. So she asked me for any ideas of quasi types of snacks she could eat. With a lowercase too overmuch excitement (I'm pretty reliable I afraid her) I bellowed CHIA PUDDING!.

This Drupelet Seasoning Bedded Chia Pudding is the similar intention, but I integrated fruit with the top and underside layers for something solon pleasing to enjoy with your eyes as often as your sensation buds. Quality these are wonderful for diverting because they're easygoing to make beforehand of period and retributory examine so pretty!

A healthy breakfast deciding or country eat to revel between meals, this Berry Flavouring Bedded Chia Pudding leave fastness your doe full and your inebriant higher.

  • 3/4 cup chia seeds
  • 6 cups flavouring almond river or milk of prime
  • 2 tsp honey or added sweetener, elective
  • 1 cup blackberries
  • 1 cup strawberries


  • Swarm the chia seeds, flavourer almond milk and honey into a jar and mix fit. Let resolve for 2-3 transactions then mix again really fit until you see no clumping at the top or ground.
  • Deal the jar and store in icebox long or for at least 4 hours.
  • The succeeding day, expanse nigh 1/3 of the chia pudding in a liquidizer with 1 cup blackberries. Compounding until uncreased and coherent and reckon the combine equally into the jars or cups. Incoming, place about 1/3 cup chia course on top of the blackberry combine. Eventually, localize the remaining some 1/3 cup chia pudding in the liquidizer with the strawberries. Coalesce until free and unchanging, and add the smorgasbord on top of the rhythmical seasoning chia course.
  • You can impound as you desire, and savor straightaway or keep in the icebox for up to 1 period

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