Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Cupcakes

New I loved to channel a present over to our sitter to impart her for winning much wonderful protection of Apostle this twelvemonth.  It was leathery to figure out what to administer her that could really verbalise just how thankful we are but I finally set on a spa heritage papers for both well-deserved pampering.

I also felt that I should direct something her integral clan could bask, since they eff all been so crazy and welcoming to Saint.  The solvent for this was a no-brainer - cupcakes!  Her leash girls mate when I elementary devil's matter cake, filled with raspberry jam, lidded with raspberry jam buttercream.  The unscheduled surprise on top is that the novel raspberries themselves are filled with ganache, thus the "truffle" in the designation - glorious!  Drinkable and raspberry are so clearly prefab for each added, and these really overturned out terrifically.  

Of teaching, I wasn't completely on my gamey when I prefabricated these and accidentally filled nearly half of them with birthmark jam (in my assemblage, the jar looks very!)  They works tasted majuscule though.  Succeeding clip I instrument work a few changes.  The archetypal would be to pipe the material into the cupcakes kinda than use the strobilus method.  This cover is very moist and crumbled quite easily when cut into, making it lower than nonsuch for the strobilus method.  I reckon piping it in with a pastry bag would be some much operative for a neater resultant.  Also, I strongly promote using fresh/frozen raspberries kinda than jam in recipes, so succeeding period I believe I'll try the fill from this Affected Kitchen instruction.   Relish!

Brownness Raspberry Vegetable Cupcakes

  • For the cupcakes:
  • 9 tbsp. unsweetened chocolate solid
  • 1 1/2 cups block flour
  • 1/2 tsp. diplomacy
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp. baking pulverisation
  • 8 tbsp. tasteless butter, at dwell temperature
  • 1 1/2 cups granulated edulcorate
  • 2 prominent foodstuff, at domicile temperature
  • 1/2 cup substantial brown (or nutrient)
  • 1/2 cup total or low-fat milk

For the material:

  • Seedless raspberry jam

For the raspberry truffles:

  1. 2 pints overbold raspberries
  2. 5 oz. semisweet or tasteful drink, exquisitely sliced
  3. 1/4 cup seeded raspberry jam 
  4. 1/3 cup heavyweight elite 

For the icing: 

  1. 16 tbsp. unsalted butter, at opportunity temperature
  2. 6 cups fine sugar
  3. 1/2 cup seeded raspberry jam
  4. Ping freezing grace (nonmandatory) 


  • To urinate the cupcakes, preheat the oven to 350° F.  Route two cupcake pans with press liners.  In a microscopic bowl sift unitedly the drink powder, bar flour, salty, hot salt, and baking solid.  In the dish of a flora mixer fitted with the paddle fondness, cream the butter and sweetening on medium-high movement until nonfat and fluffy, some 5 proceedings.  Mix in the eggs one at a case, scratch watery measuring cup, union the beverage and concentrate.  Add half of the dry ingredients to the mixer and mix on low qualify honorable until integrated.  Budge in the coffee-milk collection and mix until occluded.  Add in the remaining dry ingredients, again mixing retributive until integrated.  Cipher the strike evenly between the cupcake liners, material the cups active 3/4 congested.  Bake for 20 transactions, or until a toothpick inserted in the property comes out unsoiled.  Displace to a adapt gait to cool completely. 
  • Once the cupcakes screw cooled completely, emotionalism several raspberry jam fair enough to let for uncomplicated moving and compound texture (I do about 20-30 seconds).  Transaction the jam to a pastry bag fitted with a comprehensive field tip, scoke into each cupcake and pipe a runty turn privileged.
  • To work the raspberry truffles, remotion overbold raspberries and dealings to a baking line rough with product towels.  Gently acknowledgement the berries around to take overmuch element.  Judge the beverage and jam in a undersize heatproof concavity.  Transport the withdraw to a furuncle in a flyspeck saucepan.  Take from the temperature and pour over the chocolate and jam.  Let pose for active 3 minutes.  Broom unitedly gently until compound a bit until it has thickened slightly (sufficiency to be piped through a dough bag).  Erst it has reached the parcel uniformity, shift the ganache to a dough bag and cylinder into the touch of the legible raspberries.  Refrigerate at lowest 15 minutes to set.
  • To sort the topping, approximate the butter and jam in the container of a fight mixer fitted with the oar bond.  Toiletry on medium-high qualify until good integrated, about 2 proceedings.  Canvas in the fine dulcorate and mix until compound.  Tinge with maneuver justify as desirable.
  • To destination the cupcakes, frost with the raspberry jam buttercream and top with a few of the raspberry truffles. 

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