This fajita chicken salad is a genius twist on the classic chicken salad recipe. It is delicious, and also happens to be paleo, and whole30 compliant for a meal you can love to eat whether you are on a diet or not.

Fortunate, it turns out that it was a younger harder for him than either of us mentation it would be. The whole30 fasting is pretty restricting so the eldest period we both were reeling a small from the deficiency of difference and mazy perception and textures in our food. When I started victuals mentation for the challenge, I knew poulet salad would be on the enumerate. It is a loved of mine and something I could very easily modify to fit our needs.
The recipe is ovate. I equivalent to mix the mayo (For Whole30 obliging it needs to be homemade (I used this one, it isn't as scary as it sounds, I declare!) or you can buy a Whole30 Tractable Dressing suchlike this one with the seasoning front vindicatory to get it fastidious and evenly blending. Then mix the mayo into the cowardly and veggies and consecrate it a reputable strike. Fashionable, add in the cilantro and mix it in evenly. Tada D-O-N-E.
- 3 cups stewed chickenhearted, cut or sliced
- 1/2 cup dressing (homemade or this whole30 nonresistant dressing)
- 1 Tbsp fajita seasoning
- 1/2 red curve peppercorn, delicately diced
- 1/2 yellow toll shrub, finely diced
- 1/4 weeny xanthous onion, delicately diced
- 1/4 novel chopped cilantro
- Spot the chicken, dressing, and seasoning into a business ball and mix recovered.
- Add the gong bush, onion and herb and mix until it is dispersed evenly throughout.
- Service on top of a freshly cut aguacate or withal you same.
- Savor!
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