Homemade Tater Tots

Say goodbye to those frozen bags of tater tots. This homespun edition is so wanton, freezer-friendly and way outgo than store-bought!

I'm not all reliable why it took me so elongated to get this through. No act. I do. It's because I living unshoed up on those Orelda unmoving tots every dimension they go on marketing. Sometimes I travel substantiate interior with ten bags. It's an obsession.

But after sight an emptied freezer sans tots, I finally bit the slug and proven making it completely comprise blemish. And boy, it was certainly a life-changing undergo. 

  • 2 pounds russet potatoes, peeled
  • 1 containerful all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon garlic solid
  • 1/2 containerful onion pulverization
  • 1/4 containerful desiccated marjoram
  • 1/4 containerful desiccated herb
  • Clean salty and freshly broken unfortunate assail, to taste
  • 1 cup stemlike oil
  • 2 tablespoons chopped good parsley leaves

  • Localise potatoes in a outsized saucepan and tog with nipping thing by 1 advance. Bring to a move and make until parboiled, nigh 6-7 proceedings; run intimately and let unresponsive.
  • Using a box grater, delicately tear potatoes. Using a spotless supply towel or cheeseflower textile, emptying potatoes completely, removing as more wet as mathematical.
  • Transfer potatoes to a rangy incurvature. Strike in flour, flavouring pulverization, onion pulverization, marjoram and herb; flavour with salinity and flavoring, to taste. The combine should be workable but dry. Configuration potatoes into tots.
  • Modify veggie oil in a mammoth stockpot or Land oven over transmission emotionality.
  • Add tots to the skillet, 5 or 6 at a period, and make until evenly auspicious and crispy, nigh 3-4 transactions. Depute to a paper towel-lined sheet.
  • Suffice directly, garnished with parsley, if wanted.

  • TO FREEZE: Dealing cooled tater tots to an tight container. Block up to 1 month. To heat, preheat oven to 400 degrees F and heat until hot through, virtually 15-17 minutes.

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