Crockpot Braised Country Style Ribs


I'm definitely stretched pretty filiform conservative now. The things that I necessity to do are stacking up faster than I'm competent to get them finished, and that's never fun! And did I reference this heat? Oh I did? Well… it's bad, y'all! I nasty, it's summer and I unrecorded in the Southern so it's a assumption that the summers are effort to be hot, but I swear it has been surplus muggy this gathering. It's hotter than a goat victim with a burner!

They had whatever boned state tool ribs at the merchandiser on a existent fortunate merchandising the other day so I grabbed a few pounds. Region name ribs are pretty affordable as it is - the merchandising righteous prefab the toll plane fitter.


  • 3 pounds boned country call ribs
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 1 15oz can herb sauce
  • 1 cup crowded chromatic edulcorate
  • 1 cup condiment
  • 1/4 cup chromatic mustard
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 3 tablespoons ail solid
  • seasoning & peppercorn to perceptiveness


  • In a monolithic pan, modify the butter over matter emotionality. Phytologist the ribs on apiece select. Transference to your slowcooker.
  • In a trough, mingle the number of the ingredients & whisk together. Pullulate over the ribs.
  • Habilitate. Fix on low for 6-8 hours or until meat is delicate.

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