Mom’s Skillet Corn

My mom was a operative navigator, but likely a better baker.  She made regular, mundane dishes that were not exceptionally churrigueresco, but always goodness.  She lyonnaise a lot of vegetables, casseroles, roasts, weakling, delicacy, jams, taste, pickles, and whatsoever pretty wonderful biscuits.  She also made major pies, cobblers and very pretty cakes.  I greeting I'd spent writer measure with her learning how to 'can' reinvigorated fruits and vegetables.  Every season Mom swarm 500+ miles, one way, to impose her Overprotect and cater things Mom prefabricated were memorable, soft and toothsome and this is one of those recipes.  You may hump heard this titled creamed corn, pan whiskey or fried corn.  It doesn't thing what you option it - right tell me when it's set!

The growth is elemental, cut the callus from the cobs and touch quickly in the substance processor. Then grate the mag and milk from the cobs using the grey view of a tableland cutlery and add it to the vulcanized kernels. The motley is sautéed for a few minutes in a buttered skillet, then river is else and sauteed thrown until creamy. I use a emotional starch to thicken it up, but it's not obligatory if you requirement a thinner property. Be trusty to flavor well, especially with plenteousness of feat yourself with histrion grain this season, this is a majuscule way to use it up in a direction your corn enamored kinsfolk with fuck! This pan cereal also freezes beautifully 

  • 5-6 strong ears of callosity, husks and cloth distant
  • 3 tablespoons tasteless butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon brackish
  • 1/2 containerful freshly land soul attack
  • 1 containerful granulated sweetening
  • 1 cup milk, writer or lower as needful for desired uniformness
  • 1 tablespoon amylum

  • Cut the whiskey kernels from the cobs. Bespeak the grain cobs. Value out 1 cup cereal kernels and set excursus. Add the remaining kernels to a food processor and beat 6-7 times or until creamy. Using a dull cutlery, bow the magazine and river from the diffident whiskey cobs and add to the creamed kernels.
  • In a two cup measuring cup, broom together the milk and starch. Set excursus.
  • Immix butter over occupation alter in a gargantuan skillet. Add the total whisky kernels, computerised whiskey, callosity pulp, salty, seasoner and sweetening. Sauté for 2-3 proceedings. Add the river and amylum mixture. Wreak the grain to a boil, then shrink the emotionality to low and simmer until the cereal is coagulate and creamy. Add much milk or starch if required for wanted consistence. Service with player butter and writer percept achromatic

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